ISTP: COVID-19 Advice
Learn about the temporary changes we are making to ISTP as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are no longer accepting new applications for the International Surgical Training Programme (ISTP). The programme is closed until further notice.
COVID-19 & ISTP: Key changes
RCSEng is liaising with hospitals and Trusts to:
(a) Explore whether start dates for trainees scheduled to arrive between March and August can be moved back to October or November.
(b) Ensure that contingency plans are in place to adequately support trainees who are new to the NHS and that induction periods remain in place.
Each UK Trust will have different possibilities and arrangements for ISTP placements. This means that some UK Trusts may not be able to accommodate overseas trainees for ISTP placements during this period due to service capacity.
No new placements with start dates prior to October 2020 will be made.
This position will be kept under review to reflect the most current UK Government advice and the capacity of the NHS.
Your application will be processed in the usual way, however you may experience delays as UK hospitals, surgical departments and Deaneries are focused on responding to the Covid-19 situation.
If your application is successful and you are accepted onto ISTP, placements will not start before October 2020 at the earliest.
This position will be kept under review to reflect the most current UK Government advice and the capacity of the NHS.

COVID-19: Q&A webinar for ISTP trainees
The ISTP Team held live webinar on 25 March 2020 to discuss the changes to programme and address trainee concerns and queries.
If you missed the webinar, a recording is available on-demand here.

Training, Tier 5 visa and GMC Registration advice
Trainees who require advice about their Tier 5 visas, training and GMC registration should visit the relevant page below.

Updates & information on the College's activities and preparations for COVID-19.
RCSEng is issuing guidance and resources on a daily basis for surgeons working through the pandemic.
For daily updates visit the RCSEng COVID-19 Information Hub.
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COVID-19 Notice
Due to COVID-19, applications for the International Surgical Training Programme (ISTP) are closed until further...